EVH Striped Series '78 Eruption, White with Black Stripes Relic

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EVH Striped Series '78 Eruption, White with Black Stripes Relic

On the cover of Van Halen's 1978 eponymous debut album, Eddie Van Halen thrusts his black-and-white striped Strat®-style guitar towards the camera as if he's showing you the future. He played this guitar on his unprecedented and mind-blowing "Eruption" guitar solo, thus its nickname, and almost immediately, this monumental instrument became a timeless icon, symbolic of a paradigm shift in guitar-driven rock and roll.

Back when this trailblazing album first appeared, nobody had ever seen or heard a guitar like that because no such guitar ever existed. What was this? You couldn't buy one.

That's because he made it himself. The 22-year-old Eddie Van Halen had the mind of not only a great musician, but also of an innovative inventor - a constant tinkerer who was always messing with his gear. Eddie would say it was out of necessity as no off-the-shelf guitar had the features he needed to really do his job and realize his full potential. So, he took matters into his own capable hands - refretting the neck, installing a humbucking pickup which he potted in paraffin wax, as well a single master volume knob (famously labeled as "Tone"), brass nut and tailpiece from a '58 Strat, cutting out and mounting his own homemade black and of course, coming up with iconic striped motif.

The all-new EVH® Striped Series '78 Eruption guitar combines many of those famed mods along with modernized features and a relic treatment.

The Stratocaster®-style body sports Eddie's famed white-and-black-striped paint job and has been paired to a quartersawn maple neck with a hand-rubbed satin urethane back finish. The 12"-16" compound radius maple fingerboard with 22 jumbo frets was designed for fast and furious playing styles with maximum comfort, while a heel-mount truss rod wheel makes for time-saving neck adjustments.

A single EVH Wolfgang® humbucking bridge pickup provides classic Eddie Van Halen guitar tone - from crystal cleans to fat and rich mids and lows, while the brass nut and six-saddle vintage Fender® Stratocaster synchronized tremolo bridge with a 43mm brass block allow for authentic EVH tone.

Other features include a skirted white Strat-style volume control knob (labeled "tone") with 500K EVH Bourns® low friction pot and treble bleed circuit, black pickguard, chrome hardware, oversized strap buttons, EVH neck plate and larger, '70s-style licensed Fender Strat headstock with gold EVH logo.


Bolt-on is a type of neck construction that joins the maple neck to the body of the guitar with screws or bolts, resulting in bright tone with more control. The quartersawn grain runs the length of the neck and as well as being visually appealing, is less susceptible to shrinking, warping or splitting


The innovative 12"-16" compound radius maple fingerboard design gradually flattens toward the heel from its smaller and more rounded profile at the nut for unparalleled comfortable chording and riffing near the nut and seamless bending near the heel. Maple is a dense wood that produces bright, snappy tones, articulate notes with bite and a tight low end. Versus a 24-fret neck, a 22-fret layout shifts the neck pickup farther away from the bridge, centering it at the “sweet spot” and resulting in an overall warmer tone. The jumbo fret wire slightly increases the distance between string and fingerboard for seamless and comfortable bends.


A single EVH Wolfgang humbucking pickup cuts through the mix and provides classic EVH guitar tone — dynamic harmonics, shimmering highs and gritty mids that retain their authoritative tone under high gain. Just like the rest of this guitar, the pickup has been lightly aged.


Similar to Eddie’s original Eruption guitar, this instrument features a six-saddle vintage Fender Strat synchronized bridge with a 43mm brass block, which incorporates a distinctive, piano-like cadence to your overall tone and enhances sustain.


This white with black stripes Eruption tribute model also features unique appointments such as a skirted Strat-style volume knob with 500K EVH Bourns Low Friction Pot and treble bleed circuit (reads as "TONE"), oversized strap buttons, black pickguard, Strat-style output jack plate, brass nut and '70s-style licensed Fender Strat headstock with gold EVH logo. An EVH striped gig bag is also included.

EVH Striped Series '78 Eruption, White with Black Stripes Relic

Van Halenin vuonna 1978 julkaistun nimeä kantavan debyyttialbumin kannessa Eddie Van Halen suuntaa mustavalkoraidoitetun Strat®-tyylisen kitaransa kohti kameraa ikään kuin näyttäen tulevaisuutta. Hän soitti tällä kitaralla ennenkuulumattoman ja häikäisevän "Eruption"-kitarasoolonsa, josta kitara sai lempinimensä. Melkein välittömästi tästä ikonista instrumentista tuli ajaton symboli, joka merkitsi valtavaa muutosta kitaravetoisessa rock and rollissa.

Kun tämä uraauurtava albumi ilmestyi, kukaan ei ollut koskaan nähnyt tai kuullut vastaavaa kitaraa, koska sellaista ei ollut olemassa. Mikä tämä oli? Sitä ei voinut ostaa mistään.

Syy oli se, että Eddie rakensi sen itse. 22-vuotiaalla Eddie Van Halenilla ei ollut vain loistavan muusikon taitoja, vaan myös innovatiivisen keksijän mieli – hän oli jatkuvasti virittelemässä ja muokkaamassa soittimiaan. Eddie sanoi, että tämä johtui tarpeesta: mikään kaupallinen kitara ei tarjonnut ominaisuuksia, joita hän tarvitsi työssään ja potentiaalinsa täysimääräisessä toteuttamisessa. Hän otti siis asian omiin käsiinsä: hioi otelaudan, asensi humbucker-mikrofonin, jonka hän vahasi parafiinilla, lisäsi yksittäisen master volume -säätimen (kuuluisasti merkittynä "Tone"), messinkisen satulan ja '58 Stratocasterin tallaosan, muokkasi itse mustan pleksin ja tietenkin suunnitteli ikoniset raidat.

Täysin uusi EVH® Striped Series '78 Eruption -kitara yhdistää monet näistä kuuluisista muokkauksista modernisoituihin ominaisuuksiin ja kulutetun ilmeen käsittelyyn.

Stratocaster®-tyylisessä rungossa on Eddien kuuluisa mustavalkoraidallinen väritys, ja siihen on yhdistetty quartersawn-vaahterakaula, jossa on käsin hierottu satiiniuretaaniviimeistely. 12”-16” komposiittiradius vaahteraotelauta, jossa on 22 jumbo-nauhaa, on suunniteltu nopeaan ja intensiiviseen soittoon maksimaalista mukavuutta ajatellen, ja kantaan asennettu kaularaudan säätörengas säästää aikaa kaulan säätämisessä.

Yksi EVH Wolfgang® -humbucker-tallamikrofoni tarjoaa klassisen Eddie Van Halenin soundin – kristallinkirkkaista puhtaista muhkeisiin keski- ja matalataajuuksiin. Messinkisatula ja kuusisatulainen vintage Fender® Stratocasterin synkronoitu vibratalla 43 mm:n messinkipalalla takaavat aidon EVH-soundin.

Muita ominaisuuksia ovat valkoinen, hameellinen Strat-tyylinen volume-säädin (merkitty "tone"), jossa on 500K EVH Bourns® -kitkaton potentiometri ja treble bleed -piiri, musta pleksi, kromiset metalliosat, suuret hihnanapit, EVH-kaulalevy sekä suurempi 70-luvun tyylinen lisensoitu Fender Stratocaster -lapa, jossa kultainen EVH-logo.

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