Electro Harmonix Hardware Plug in

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Electro Harmonix Hardware Plug in

Your favourite Fuzz as a plug in for every instrument you can think of.

The Big Muff Pi® Hardware Plugin® is a new type of product that transcends the limitations of traditional DAW plugins to bring the unique qualities of analog sound to digital recording.

Analog hardware has a magical warmth that is beloved for its sound and feel. That was the genesis behind this product. Take the world’s most beloved harmonic distortion / sustainer and transform it into a plugin.

It works like a standard DAW plugin, but recorded tracks go through the actual analog circuitry of EHX’s Big Muff Pi, injecting analog warmth into your session. Of course, it integrates seamlessly with all the most popular DAWs like Pro Tools®, Ableton Live®, Cubase®, GarageBand®, Logic Pro X®, Reaper® and more.

Simply connect the Big Muff to your DAW by USB, select a track, and open the plug-in window. Instead of software emulation, you have real clipping diodes, overdriving transistors, and nature itself coloring your sound. The analog circuit is pushed over the edge and loses control. The sound you hear is the natural warmth of electromagnetic chaos.

The new Big Muff Pi Hardware Plugin can even function as a 2-in/2-out USB audio recording interface, which enables the user to record with or without the Big Muff effect engaged.

The Big Muff Pi Hardware Plugin can be used as a stand-alone pedal and shares the circuit design of the legendary 1973 Violet Ram’s Head Big Muff. That coveted pedal has set the standard for musical distortion and has been heard on countless classic recordings. It’s renowned for its unmistakable articulation and exceptional sustain, and now it’s has been updated to be true stereo. It also features Tone Wicker, Tone Bypass and presets. With the ability to store up to ten footswitch-accessible presets on the pedal itself and as many as your computer can hold, it is truly a Big Muff Pi like no other!

Wailing solos. Crunchy rhythm. Fat drums. Thundering bass. Liven up just about any track or instrument in your mix. Not just for guitar players, the Big Muff Pi Hardware Plugin opens the universe of real analog circuitry to all digital recording artists and computer musicians!

Brings analog warmth and magic to the digital domain. Great on guitar, but also exceptional on keys, drums, vocals and more Integrates seamlessly with all popular DAWs (digital audio workstations) like Pro Tools®, Ableton Live®, Cubase®, GarageBand®, Logic Pro X®, Reaper® and more Works like a standard DAW plugin and it can also be used as a stand-alone pedal The Big Muff Pi Hardware Plugin’s circuit design is straight from the legendary 1973 Violet Ram’s Head Big Muff with some very special updates including true stereo

Electro Harmonix Hardware Plug in

Suosikki-Fuzz nyt plug-in versiona. Sopii kaikille instrumenteille.

Big Muff Pi® Hardware Plugin® on DAW-ympäristöön soveltuva huipputuote ja uusi aluevaltaus Electro Harmonixilta.

Analoginen hardware tuo maagisen lämmön, sekä Muff-pedaalista tutun harmoonisen särön ja sustaining digitaaliäänitykseen.

Toimii kuten tavallinen DAW plugin, mutta tallennetut raidat kulkee oikean analogipiirin läpi. Integroituu vaivatta yleisimpien DAW-ympäristöjen, kuten Pro Tools®, Ableton Live®, Cubase®, GarageBand®, Logic Pro X®, Reaper® jne kanssa.

Helppo käyttöliittymä, kytke Big Muff USB:n kautta, valitse raita ja avaa plug-in ikkuna. Softapohjaisen, yleensä kliinisen digitaaliefektin sijaan tämä tuo oikean fiiliksen.

Uusi Big Muff Pi Hardware Plugin toimii jopa 2-in/2-out USB äänikorttina joko ilman tai Big Muff-efektillä.

Big Muff Pi Hardware Plugin toimii myös pedaalina ja sen legendaarisen 1973 Violet Ram’s Head Big Muff aiheisen piirin ansiosta onkin mitä mainioin myös siihen käyttöön. Tone Wicker, Tone Bypass ja presettitoiminnon avulla tämä on täysi killeri. 10 jalkakytkettävää preset-paikkaa ja loput tietokoneeseesi.

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